Monday, September 29, 2008


Guys, if your in KL for this Hari sure get invited to my place.

Since our Raya treats are limited for this i dont think im allowed to invite as much friends as i wanted. But still, if you guys are in KL on the 3rd of Hari Raya..gimme a call.

Anyways, i would like to thank some of you readers for reading this blog. (i'm running out of ideas about what to write here....) and for those of you who invited me to your place for raya, a BIG TERIMA KASIH to you guys, man. ThankYou x1,000,000!

Anyways, SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI to everyone i know..(including Makcik Canteen, Pak Guard, Uncle Taxi, Brader Security), my school friends, my relatives, my close cousins, my buddies, NRA, HardstyleFailure, [C]2, P.U.T.U.S & whoever that wants me to wish them. lol.